DP-Shield: Face Obfuscation with Differential Privacy

Few-Shot Pipeline


Recognizing a particular command or a keyword, has been widely used in many voice interfaces such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home. In order to recognize a set of keywords, most of the recent deep learning based approaches use a neural network trained with a large number of samples to identify certain pre-defined keywords. This restricts the system from recognizing new, user-defined keywords. Therefore, we first formulate this problem as a few-shot and approach it using metric learning. To enable this research, we also synthesize and publish a Few-shot Google Speech Commands dataset. We then propose a solution to the few-shot problem using temporal and dilated convolutions on prototypical networks. Our comparative experimental results demonstrate of new keywords using just a small number of samples.

Accepted in Proceedings 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2022) Edinburgh, UK, March 29 - April 1, vol. 25, pp. 578–581, Mar. 2022.